Developer, Designer, Content Creator & Co-Founder
Embed videos from YouTube, Vimeo or you own video files in the product gallery.
Highly customizable slider elements with text and images for CMS pages.
Add custom columns with responsive bahavior to your CMS sections.
Show additional images of your products, when hovering the cursor above them in the product listing.
Contextual category navigation elements with text and images for CMS pages.
Elements for adding your Instagram content to your CMS pages.
Highly customizable CMS elements to display various types of content with text and images.
Choose between a lot more options for displaying the property selection, when dealing with variant products.
A portable wooden laptop stand to use as elevation or next to external screens.
My studio for UX design and development based in Germany 🇩🇪.
My German 🇩🇪 tech podacst about development and productivity.